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Hummingbird Page 6
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Page 6
Matthew Hopkins was noted for several ways of carrying out his dreadful deeds; Hanging? Drowning? Or Burned at the Stake? The decision in my case was to be the latter as my soul was contaminated by the Devil, I had allowed him to lure me into his fold, I was a seductress of the Devil and therefore I should meet a fiery end. The judge passed his sentence, “Sarah Appleton, on this day 16th September in the year of our Lord 1645, you have been found guilty of witchcraft and consorting with the Devil! You shall be burned at the stake where your mortal body will be consumed by flames and your Soul shall surely be freed from the Devils grip.” My heart sank; there was a gasp from the crowd that had gathered within the court to hear the verdict, this was all surreal not only to myself but to the villagers that had known me over the years and also known my character to be one of high standing. With a heavy heart and a feeling of resignation I fought back the tears as I was escorted back to my cell. I was left feeling numb, there was nothing I could do but meet my fate with head held high, after all I had no regrets for the way I conducted my life, but my heart ached for my daughter. Rose was allowed to visit me that night; we held each other tightly and had our last words together. I assured her that I knew there was a Heaven and that one day we would meet again and pick up from where we left. She handed me a note from Maud;
Sarah, I cannot express the deep regret that I hold for creating such a mess and ruining your lives; the lives of the only people in the world that have ever shown me true affection. I never imagined that my actions would create such devastation! Had I foreseen this outcome I would never have made that fateful journey to the vicarage that day; I realise now that it was jealousy that caused me to act the way I did. Since childhood you have always been so strong and self-assured, knowing exactly what you wanted in life. Our parents were always so proud of you and your achievements; whilst I was just a burden that they endured. You had the love of a man who cherished you in every way and the fruit of that love was Rose, truly a gift made in heaven. The villagers look up to you and respect you in a way that I could never command. In my mind you had everything a woman could wish for, why couldn’t I have the same? I would never expect forgiveness, but I need for you to know that I am truly sorry for my actions.
So that was it; she had in her extreme jealousy, signed my death warrant and now she had taken off to some obscure place never to return. What a coward she really was, she had come back into my life for such a short time and managed to destroy all that I held dear, yet she could not see it through to the end! Nor could she face me to ask forgiveness!
Rose looked sad and was staring down at her feet; I knew she was concealing something from me. “What is it Rose? Tell me what you are holding back?” she told me then, that half of the nest egg that I had hidden away for her was gone! She was sure that Maud had taken it for her escape. Of course! How stupid was I? Maud would have known all the hiding places within the home; after all, we shared the same games as children and would hide things from each other all the time. Why had I not thought of that? I told Rose to collect what was left of the money and move in with her grandparents immediately for her own safety. There is no telling of who she had spoken to about the cash in the house, so it would be safest for her to sell our home and move in with them until she was of an age to fend for herself. She was to sell the cottage and all within as this would add to her nest egg which would allow her in time to move away from all the dreadful memories that would endure, she could start afresh and think of only the good times we shared. I assured her that I would always be with her for comfort and support just not physically. We held each other for hours and exchanged our love and affection for each other and all our little idiosyncrasies.
I was left in the cold damp cell with barely enough food and water to sustain a bird, assured that there were to be no more visitors for the likes of me! I cried so many tears of sadness and despair, but I did not want anyone to feel sorry for me; I had known all along the dangers of my trade, yet I always thought I was beyond recrimination. One of my gaolers was a man named Bruce; I knew him and his family quite well as his wife had frequented my home several times for a reading. He was kind to me and occasionally smuggled a slice of bread and cheese into my cell out of compassion. He would also give me news of the outside world and secretly pass messages from my family, had he been caught he would have been punished severely. One particular day he came into my cell looking down and saddened; his news was that my sister Maud had been found dead on the road to Sussex. There had been a highway robbery, where the coachman had been bludgeoned to death, Maud had been thrown from the carriage and her neck was broken; it appeared that the string purse had been so viciously yanked from her that her neck had snapped due to the strength of the plait! The men had been caught and under interrogation had pleaded guilty and explained what had happened. They did not intend to kill the woman but just have their pleasure with her; they did not for one minute think the damned string would be so strong!
Oh my Lord! This was a depiction of the scene that I had envisioned all those months ago; the faceless woman had been Maud, why is it that the faceless scenes always turn out to be family or loved ones? Too late now; for a second, I thought that she got what she deserved but in an instance I suddenly became sad at the thought of her demise and the ordeal that Maud must have endured in her final minutes. I would never have wished her to come to such a violent end, even though she had wronged me so many times; Rest in Peace Maud. At least now I was assured that Maud could do no more wrongs to my family, which eased my conscience and was a blessing in disguise.
The day of my execution arrived, it was an overcast day with a chill in the air; I had come to terms with my fate and was ready to meet my maker. I was literally dragged from my cell with my hands bound by a thick type of rope that scored my skin; the gaoler dragged me through the muddy streets of Middleton like an animal. People lined the path along the way, but it was a sombre atmosphere, most of the villagers bowed their heads and silently cried as I passed by. As I turned the corner I could see the stake standing high amidst the pyre that was stacked in the market centre, and I could see there was a gap left in order for them to haul me to the pole and tie me tightly by wrapping the thick rope around the pole and around my body, denying any chance of breaking free; once I was in place, the gap was closed. So many times I had danced around the Maypole here on this very spot with Maud and Mother at the Whitsuntide festivities, happily dancing to the music and laughing with the villagers. It’s amazing what can flash through your mind at times of distress.
It was announced from the Town Crier that my punishment was the only true and just way to cleanse the world of Heresy and he asked me if I wished to say any last words that may help the Lord forgive me and allow him to show mercy on my soul. I stated that I had no words to express, as I was of pure heart and soul and that I would be embraced in the arms of the Lord. I had already expressed my last words of love to the people that mattered most to me; they were there in the front of the crowd to give me support. There was a prayer from the priest, who begged for my soul to be cleansed in order for me to enter the kingdom of Heaven. What foolish people they were, I already knew I was heading for a Heavenly home, I was always at peace with God throughout my life. As I looked around, I saw familiar faces in the crowd, some in tears for my demise and some with vengeance in their hearts. But the saddest face of all was the face of my beautiful Rose; she was held by her grandfather, screaming my name and begging for my release. I mouthed my love to her before the pyre was lit.
The flames took hold immediately and soon began to lick at my legs; the pain was unbearable, my skin began to blister, and the roar of the flames became deafening, I began to choke amongst the dense smoke and as I gasped for air, the smoke and flames entered my mouth making it impossible to breathe! The pain seemed to go on and on as if for hours. “Please Lord Stop this agony,” I said within my mind, and just when I thought I could bear it no longer there was a blessed relief.
I found myself suddenly above the horrendous sight looking down at the crowds, no longer suffering the agonies from the mortal degradation that I had been enduring! God had heard my plea and taken away the excruciating pain! I suddenly realised that my soul had left the shell of my human form and was hovering above the whole futile scene that brought the end to what had been a wonderful life.
I scanned the surroundings, taking in all the emotions that were being displayed. I gradually realised that I was not alone! My mother and father were standing beside me, each put a hand on my shoulder and I instantly felt the love that I had missed for so many years. They held me and assured me that Gareth was waiting for me to join him, they would show me the way to his arms. I felt a calmness that overwhelmed me to a point where tears rolled down my cheeks; I was forgiven by the Lord as I knew I would be, and I was to return to my creators’ home. I took one last look at my daughter up close and gently touched her face, she turned her head towards me and smiled, she knew I was there and was free from the torturous flames, her face softened and love shone from those beautiful eyes. My Rose now appeared to be in control and grown up for her years and somehow I knew she had gained my strength and sense of knowing, she would move on in life with a confidence far outreaching mine. This was the secret that she had been holding back from me so long ago, she held back in order for me not to worry. Oh Rose, be so careful my love.
I knew now that I could move on, Rose was in good hands and we as a family could watch over her and keep her safe. I walked with my parents toward a welcoming light, there were many souls bowing as I passed them by. The path led in two directions and I was being guided along the brightest of them. To the left was a path that was much darker, I instinctively knew this was a path for the Souls that needed to be healed or repaired; for the wrong doers who needed to be cleansed. There was a lonely Soul standing there awaiting her escort; I saw that the lonely figure was that of Maud, she looked straight at me and then bowed her head. My parents assured me that they were charged with guiding her to the place where lost souls could be cleansed and healed in order for them to be accepted to a higher place. Then directly ahead of me was a silloette so familiar I could not mistake him! A few more steps and I walked into the arms of the man I had loved and missed for so long.
The End?